Wednesday, March 2, 2011

english reading

               Given varied type of activities, the Grade 2 pupils with at least 80% accuracy are expected to:
               a. identify short and long vowel sounds
               b. give the different details of the story, "Highway Gems" by answering comprehension questions; and
               c. recognize initial consonant sounds through picture clues

II.Subject Matter
                Lesson  :  Short and Long Vowel Sounds
                               The story, "Highway Gems"
                               Recognizing Initial Consonant Sounds
                Concept: A vowel sound is the short when the sound is the same as the sound is the letter.
                               A vowel sound is long when the sound is the same as the name of  the letter.
                               Getting inspiration in doing things from the people around us.
                               Recognizing initial consonant sounds through picture clues.
                Values ti be Integrated: Attentiveness; Helping someone in times of need.
                References: Quest for Treasures 2 by Filomena A. Puig et. al. pages106-111
                                   English in working with Others by Maria antonette montealegre
                                   Skill Builders for Efficient Reading by Wilhelma G.Borjial pages 1-5
                Materials:  pocket chart, strips of paper  pictures,box es

III. Procedure
                 a. Motivation
                                    The teacher will present strips of paper with jumbled letters. The pupils will be ask                  paper to form the letters into words. The teacher will group the class into 2. In every round,                            there should be 2 representatives from the the group. They will be provided with cut-out letters.                      They need to paste their answers on the board. The first one to form the word will be declared as                  the winner. 
                                    These are the jumbled letters presented on a strips of papers:
                 1. megs
                 2. ellw
                 3. adebs
                 4. tairs

                 b. Andrea Peterson "Short and Long Vowel Sounds"

                 b.1 Review of the topic or concept
                       Present words having short and long vowel sounds:
                       red                  like
                       yell                  file
                       bus                  play
                       bag                  line
                         A                     B
                The teacher will ask the pupil to read the words in column A and B.
                1. Which column of words has a short vowel sound?
                2. Which  column of words has a long vowel sound?
                3. When can we say it is a short vowel sound?
                4. When can we say it is a long vowel sound?
                b.1 Activity
                          It's a game! The teacher will divide the class into 2 groups. Then/ she will read words having short and long vowel sounds. The teacher will ask them to listen carefully so that they can identify words having short and long vowel sounds. Each group will be given box filled with words. In every group, there should be 10 representatives each. The first 5 representatives in the group will be assigned to get all the words having short  vowel sounds from the box and the other 5 representatives will get all the words having long vowel sounds. They will place it on a pocket chart. The rest of the group can help by checking the words placed on the chart. They can advice their representative to change their answer if necessary. The teacher will deduct points to the noisy group and those who are not following instructions. The first group who can finish and get all the correct answers will be given additional points.  
                          These are the words found inside the box:
                        Short Vowel Sounds                         Long Vowel Sounds        
                                 think                                             feel
                                 next                                              right
                                 best                                              hope
                                 bus                                               cave
                                 with                                              seat
                                 jump                                             smile

                 c. The Story "Highway Gems"

                 c.1 Try recalling the story, The Highway Gems. by answering this questions.
                 1. Who was working on a dress to wear on the dress-up day?
                 2. What did her mother give her?
                 3. Why did the sisters go to the topmost part of the building?
                 4. What are the color of the traffic lights?
                 5. What was Isabella's birthstone?
                 6. What was the red light looks like according to Isabella's sister?
                 7. What pattern of the beads did Isabella used in her dress?

                 c.2 Activity
                 Directions: Complete the sentence. Choose the word that will make the sentence correct. Underline the correct answer.
                 1. Isabella was having (trouble,ideas) creating up a design for the beading on her dress.
                 2. They climb the (stairs, jeepney) in going to the topmost building.
                 3. She wished that everyone would (disregard, compliment) her on her bead work.
                 4. The (lights, beads) on the highway were tiny but very bright.
                 5. They make a beautiful design for the (bead work, highway).

                 d. Recognizing Initial Consonant Sounds

                 d.1 Review or the Concept
                 1. What are the consonant letter?
                 2. What are the initial consonant sound of each letter.

                d.2 Activity 
                        The teacher will present pictures on the board and let the pupils identify the initial sound of the pictures presented.
                                        This picture was taken during Intramural. the Grade 2-B
                                     students wearing blue t-shirt to represent the blue nights team

                                  These are my co-student teacher during my off campus training 
                                  in Labangon Elementary School SpEd Center. The two woman 
                             in the middle wearing yellow shirt and blue jogging pants is our mentor
                                         These are our students in Labangon Elementary School 
                                    SpEd Center. This was taken during are last day in Labangon.

Monday, December 13, 2010

songs with guitar cords

FLY AWAY           by:  JOJO

Bm    G
Got to fly away
                Bm    G
Got to fly away

Bm              G            D           A
Since I was a little girl I knew what I wanted
Bm              G                  D           A
One day I would see the world and make my mark on it
Bm              G        D                A
Put in time, sacrificed never thought of thinking twice
Bm              G            D           A
Since I was a little girl I dreamed
          A                   G
Now I'm standing with you in this terminal
        Bm        G             A
With a ticket so far from your love


Can I have one more kiss, one more touch
A                          Bm
I just can't get enough of you
        G          D           A
But I'm in a rush I got to fly away
D                         A
Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three
           Bm         G
There's a doorway to my dreams
        D             A
I could go or I could stay
         Bm     G  D       Bm   G  A
Should I change my life or miss my flight?

     Bm                G            D         A         
My alarm clock in the morning said you got to go now
    Bm                  G          D             A
The breakfast you were calling and my heart just broke down
Bm              G         D           A
Cause tomorrow we will be waking up separately
Bm              G              D   
Wish I never heard that clock ring
       A                       G
See I don't want to win if my hearts got to lose
(Don't want to win, don't want to lose)
   Bm         G           A
So how in the world do I choose?


I just need one more kiss, one more touch
A                          Bm
I just can't get enough of you
        G          D           A
But I'm in a rush I got to fly away
D                         A
Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three
           Bm         G
There's a doorway to my dreams
        D             A
I could go or I could stay
         Bm     G  D       Bm   G  A
Should I change my life or miss my flight?
(Change my life or miss my flight?)

Bm                      G
How can you measure the promise of love
           D                  A
When it's weighing against a chance that comes once
Bm                      G
How can I leave when I know he's the one
          D                           A
When the dust settles he might not be here

         A                   G
And I'm standing with you in this terminal
Bm         G          A
Crying my eyes out in tears

I just need one more kiss, one more touch
A                          Bm
I just can't get enough of you
        G          D           A
But I'm in a rush I got to fly away
D                         A
Planes waiting up for me right at gate twenty-three
           Bm         G
There's a doorway to my dreams
        D             A
I could go or I could stay
         Bm     G  D       Bm   G  A
Should I change my life or miss my flight?
         Bm     G  D       Bm   G  A
Should I change my life or miss my flight?
What do I do? (change my life or miss my flight?)

          Bm   G
Fly away, MmmMmm
          Bm   G
Got to fly away
                  Bm  G
I got to fly away